Through the invitation and efforts of Howard Bayley and Hellen Hornby, myself and long-time Conservation Champion Stuart Crofts enjoyed a day of bringing an exotic note to two groups of students that Hellen teaches about the great outdoors every Friday. Our idea was fairly simple - to show how an interest in rivers that has been fostered through paddling in and learning to fly fish local streams can take you to some unexpected and wonderful places.
Most/all of the students (prior to being involved with Hellen's lessons at the College) have very little experience or knowledge of, or engagement with nature and the outdoors. Consequently, it is exceptionally gratifying when you see their attention held by an activity like fly tying or a slideshow of their local river, which runs by the college, placed next to photographs and videos of mountain streams in Japan (and the people who pursue the same outdoor pastimes as we do in Yorkshire).
This event, and other outdoor engagement activities run through by Hellen, have been made possible via funding donated by Cadbury Trebor Bassetts and I'd like to say a big thank you to Stuart who stepped in at short notice to replace an injured John Pearson.
Big thanks also to Richard Patterson who went to great trouble to deliver a selection of SPRITE's waders for the students to use if required (Richard attended complete with youngest child/pushchair combo whilst delivering a huge pile of waders!). Very much appreciated.
The Fly First Cast from Discover Tenkara on Vimeo.
Japanese Techniques and Flies Successfully used during a Yorkshire Summer