Having studied the local weather forecasts and agonized over the potential for postponement, we are still currently planning to go for the PV on the planned dates (19th and 20th November 2009). The rendezvous point on both days (at 9:30am) will be outside the landowner's house on the A6068 Keightley road (map on link below). The house name is "Eastfield" and is on the river side of the road. PLEASE DO NOT KNOCK ON THE DOOR - this is for landmark purposes only. I suggest parking on the side streets on the opposite side of the A6068 from the river side. Please wear sensible clothes!! and bring a claw hammer and gardening gloves if you have them. The work is planned to continue on Sat and Sun (the 21st and 22nd November) following the training and demonstration work on Thursday and Friday.
Click on the map link above for the meeting spot. This is your chance to come and get hands on training in practical river habitat management skills. In the first instance we will be using brash revetments in conjuction with stock exclusion. This will slow down innappropriate rates of erosion and provide juvenile trout with shelter and cover on a fast flowing spate stream (none of your sedate chalkstream glides here; woven willow spiling would be unlikely to survive intact!!).
People are welcome to attend either one or both days as appropriate and the club plans to continue works over the weekend (materials permitting).