My colleague Denise introduced this fantastic project to me recently; revolutionary in a couple of respects. Firstly, that they managed to argue for re-instating a deliberately flooding wetland regime to "flood the parks - not the properties". Secondly the ambition to carry out a "daylighting" programme. Daylighting is code for digging out the river from its underground culvert. It is not a trivial undertaking. Hear and read all about this wonderful project on the following link:
Also check out the link to their project pages in my blog link list to the right of this page. Just look at what they have already achieved:
- 1989 Proposal to enlarge and extend concrete channelling along the Quaggy for flood alleviation.
- 1990 QWAG successfully argues that flooding is best alleviated by water storage.
- 1994 QWAG publishes Operation Kingfisher - a plan for full river restoration of the River Quaggy.
- 2002 The River Quaggy in Chinbrook Meadows is restored.
- 2003/4 The River Quaggy is restored in Sutcliffe Park and John Roan School playing fields.
- 2005 Reed bed created to filter run off from drains into the River Quaggy at Willow Country Club.

Check out the before and after shot of Chinbrook Meadows where the QWAG (Quaggy Water Action Group) released the river from its concrete channel to reinstate a natural meandering watercourse.
Massive kudos and congratulations to QWAG; you are living proof of what local action groups can achieve.