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Showing posts from November, 2008

Litter removal on the Silver Screen

Catch a glimpse of Thames21's (and the River Cray's) very own Ashe Hurst on BBC's "Wild About Your Garden". The episode "Tales from the Riverbank" is all about a section of the lower Cray and a garden that backs onto it. Hopefully, some Trout in the Town offspring will find their way downstream to these reaches to become a handful of very large predatory Ferox in years to come.....Here is the link to the programme:

Unexpected award

We were really pleased (and surprised) to find out that Dreamstore ( ) have chosen to give an award to the Trout in the Town project. Dreamstore supports and promotes activities which benefit education, social inclusion, and conservation through fishing. Trout in the town is very much community based and runs through the hard work and participation of both conservation and angling club volunteers. Therefore, the WTT is extremely pleased that Dreamstore have recognised Trout in the Town with their very kind award.